Artist reflection for High Depth and Low Depth

Reflection Questions:
The picture that i feel is my best shot is the picture with the tree because i love the way i edited it and i love the way the tree looks. My weakest shot that i took is the water droplet shot because it was very simple and it didn't need a lot of editing. I can improve the weakest imagine by being more creative with the pictures that i'm taking. I used Photoshop to adjust the brightness of my pictures just to make them look cleaner. I was able to meet the requirements for this assignment because i got more than 30 shots for the contact sheet, 2 high depth photos, 2 low depth photos and i did the artist reflection. The easiest thing about this assignment was taking the pictures of the 2 depths but the hardest part was finding something creative. I would use a camera next time to see how different it is. On a scale of 1-10 i would rate my effort as a 9 because i did good on editing and i took and extra day to get more photos.


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